To my younger self

If I could visit my younger self I would go back to the day whenmy laughter was brighter than the blue skies.When I used to laugh running after butterflies.When I

When forever is over, will you still be there?

I opened my eyes in the middle of the night and saw you sleeping peacefully. On the side, with your head on the pillow and your hand hanging outside the

What’s so sensual about the forbidden after all?

Two glasses of whisky in a round table, big enough to hold plates but not enough to hold all the cards we’re hiding. We’ve been playing word games for a while

Would you love them For what they really are?

There comes a time when you realize that the only closure you need is accepting the fact that you deserve better.  Same as me, I’m pretty sure, also all of

Did i promise a rose garden?

I have kept staring at the flowers for the past 1 hour. Several time wanted to stand up and do anything, but is Sunday and I told you that I

I am Made of magic motherfuckerS!

I always knew I wasn’t made to be ordinary. And the ordinary life has never been for me.  I don’t want a calm life. I want one where I own

To whom to run to?

 I never thought that the end would have come so fast and so bitter. You know, I have never been “the crying one” , or “the one who begs”. You

Po kur s’të gjej as ty, as veten, ku të shkoj?

Asnjëherë nuk kisha imagjinuar se fundi vinte kaq lehtë. Ose kaq hidhur. Ti e di, unë nuk kam qënë kurrë ajo që qaj, që lutem. Ti më njeh, nuk e

PëR vajzën që dua të kem…

Unë nuk kam pasur asnjëherë të theksuar ndjenjës e mëmësisë. Por sa e herë e kam menduar veten mama të dikujt, e kam menduar veten mama të një vajze.Një ditë

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